The Job Seeker’s Toolkit
At some point during your career, you will find yourself “in transition”.
Being prepared to find that next opportunity requires strategy and execution.
These presentations were developed to give guidance during that difficult time.
2/8/21 Mondays@7 Presentation

10/19/20 Milford Job Search Work Team Webinar

Your presentation was great! – RoseMary M.
Thank you for the great presentation tonight. I will immediately make changes to my job search and tracking! – Peggy M.
1/9/20 NJ Senior Executives Networking Group

10/6/19 Russell Library Workshop

9/16/19 Mondays@7 Presentation

6/27/19 Russell Library Presentation

9/11/19 Rockland Career Center Presentation

5/2/19 Northeast Executives Networking Group (NEAG)